Pokemon With Guns Palworld, All You Need to Know

Pokemon With Guns Palworld, All You Need to Know

The creators of Palworld, a game that was initially dismissed as a "Pokemon With Guns" copycat, have announced that the game has sold over five million copies in just three days since its release on Jan 19.

Despite the initial skepticism, Palworld has received positive reviews from players, with many praising its detailed graphics and engaging gameplay. The game is currently in early-access mode and is still being developed with the help of player feedback.

Some critics have accused Palworld of copying characters from the popular Pokemon franchise, but others argue that it fills a gap in the market for a Pokemon-like game on PC.

Palworld features over 100 different characters called "Pals" that players can capture and train for battles. The game also includes elements of base building and weapon combat, with a variety of weapons to choose from.

Players can choose to work together or compete against each other in the virtual world, adding an element of strategy and excitement to the gameplay. With its unique blend of features, Palworld has proven to be a hit among gamers, surpassing expectations and becoming a popular choice for PC players.