Netflix to Release Anime Adaptation of Eiichiro Oda's 'Monsters' Manga
Fans of the popular One Piece franchise have reason to rejoice as Netflix announces the upcoming release of an anime adaptation of Eiichiro Oda's first manga, 'Monsters: 103 Mercies Dragon Damnation.' The series will focus on the ancestor of One Piece character Zoro, Ryuma, and his adventures as a legendary swordsman from the Wano Country.
The recently released trailer has garnered excitement among fans, showcasing intense sword fights and giving a glimpse into Ryuma's abilities. The involvement of Eiichiro Oda and the announcement of the voice actors for the main characters have only added to the anticipation for the series.
'Monsters' follows the story of Ryuma, cursed to transform into a monster every full moon, as he embarks on a quest to break the curse before it's too late. The anime is directed by Sunghoo Park and features character designs by Takashi Kojima and music by Tsutsumi Hiroaki.
The series is set to premiere on Netflix on January 21, 2024, and promises to delve deeper into Ryuma's character, a mythical figure in the One Piece universe. While some fans have expressed concerns about the animation style, many are excited to learn more about Ryuma's history and his contributions to the One Piece world.
Overall, the announcement of 'Monsters' has generated a mix of reactions from fans, but the majority remain hopeful and eager to see how Eiichiro Oda's first manga will be brought to life in the form of an anime.